Mastering the Art of Pocket Squares for Unbeatable Suit Style

Do you want to stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression wherever you go? If so, mastering the art of pocket squares is a must. Though it is a small accessory, it has an amazing power to elevate your style and take your outfit to the next level.

pocket square for suit

In this article, we are going to talk about pocket squares for suit style. We’ll take you on a journey through the history, types, and styles of this dapper accessory. You’ll discover everything you need to know about choosing the right pocket square for any occasion, as well as tips and tricks for folding and wearing it like a pro. Ready to master this art?

What is pocket square and what is it for?

A handkerchief is a small piece of fabric that is intended for personal hygiene purposes such as wiping one’s hands or face, or blowing one’s nose. They can be made from a variety of fabrics, but their use suggests that a sturdy, soft, inexpensive fabric is ideal. A man carries his handkerchief in his pants pocket.

This clothing accessory has the power to transform the overall image of men in any formal setting. The pocket square is a handkerchief folded in a particular way and inserted into the left breast pocket of a coat. Therefore the pocket square is for decorative purposes only.

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Types of pocket squares

pocket square

Pocket squares come in different types of fabrics. Each has its unique characteristics and style. The fabric of your pocket square can make a significant impact on the overall look and feel of your tailored suit. Let’s dive into the different types of pocket squares and their features.

  • Silk pocket squares: They are the most popular and luxurious type of pocket squares. They are soft, smooth, and have a lustrous sheen that gives an elegant touch to any outfit. Silk pocket squares are perfect for formal occasions such as weddings and black-tie events.
  • Cotton pocket squares are another popular type of pocket square. They are lightweight, breathable, and easy to care for, making them a versatile option for both casual and formal events. Cotton pocket squares come in a wide range of colors and patterns, making them a perfect choice for adding a pop of color to your outfit.
  • Linen pocket squares have a more casual and relaxed look compared to silk or cotton pocket squares. They are lightweight, breathable, and have a natural texture that gives a rustic feel to your outfit. Linen pocket squares are great for summer events or outdoor occasions.
  • Wool pocket squares are perfect for the colder months. They are thick, warm, and provide an excellent contrast to heavier fabrics such as tweed or flannel. Wool pocket squares come in a variety of textures and patterns, making them a great way to add a touch of personality to your winter outfit.
  • Synthetic pocket squares are a budget-friendly option for those who want to experiment with different colors and patterns. They are made from materials such as polyester or nylon and come in a variety of prints and designs. While not as luxurious as silk or cotton pocket squares, synthetic pocket squares are a great way to experiment with different styles and colors without breaking the bank.

How to choose a pocket square

Choosing the right pocket square can be a challenging task, but with a little knowledge and understanding, you can easily select the perfect one for your outfit. Here are some tips to help you choose the right pocket square for any occasion.

Match with suits, ties, and shirts

Matching pocket squares with suits, ties, and shirts is essential for creating a cohesive look. Your pocket square should complement your outfit and not clash with it. If you’re wearing a suit and tie, choose a pocket square that matches or complements the color of your shirt. If you’re wearing a patterned shirt, opt for a solid color pocket square that complements one of the shirt’s colors.

Choosing the right color and pattern for a pocket square can be overwhelming, but a good rule of thumb is to choose a color that is a shade lighter or darker than your shirt or tie. This creates a subtle contrast and adds visual interest to your outfit. As for patterns, choose one that complements the patterns in your outfit, such as a polka dot pocket square with a striped tie.

Consider the occasion

Considerations for the occasion are also important when choosing a pocket square. Formal events such as weddings and black-tie events call for more subtle and classic pocket squares such as a white silk pocket square. Casual events such as a night out with friends or a day at the races call for more rustic materials like cotton or linen for pocket squares.

How to fold a pocket square

Folding a pocket square can be a great way to add a touch of style to your outfit. Here are some of the most popular ways to fold a pocket square.

The puff fold

the puff fold

The puff fold is a more relaxed and casual way to fold a pocket square. It involves loosely gathering the pocket square in the middle and then gently tucking it into the pocket.

The crown fold

the crown fold

The crown fold is a more elaborate and formal way to fold a pocket square. It involves folding the pocket square into a rectangle and then creating a series of folds to create a crown-like shape.

The three peaks fold

the three peaks fold

The three-peak fold is a more elaborate version of the two-point fold. It involves folding the pocket square in half diagonally and then folding the corners to create three sharp points.

The peacock fold

peacock fold

The peacock fold is a fun and unique way to add some personality to your outfit. Experiment with different colors and patterns to find the perfect pocket square for your style.

The Presidential fold

The Presidential fold

The Presidential fold is a classic and elegant way to fold a pocket square that complements formal attire. Pair it with a dark suit and tie for a sophisticated and timeless look.

With a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to create a stylish and sophisticated look that is sure to impress.

Readmore: Bespoke Suit

Tips for wearing a pocket square

Wearing a pocket square can be a great way to add a touch of elegance to your outfit. However, there are certain dos and don’ts to keep in mind to make sure you look your best.


  • Choose a pocket square that compliments your outfit without being too matchy-matchy.
  • Experiment with different folds to find the one that best suits the occasion.
  • Make sure your pocket square is clean and pressed before wearing it.
  • Use a contrasting color or pattern to add visual interest to your outfit.
  • Opt for a silk or linen pocket square for a more formal occasion.


  • Don’t choose a pocket square that exactly matches your tie or shirt.
  • Don’t wear a pocket square that is too loud or distracting.
  • Don’t overdo it with accessories. A pocket square should be a subtle touch, not the main attraction.

Pairing a pocket square with different types of suits can be a bit tricky, but with a few guidelines, you can create a polished look. For a classic navy suit, opt for a white or light-colored pocket square with a subtle pattern. A gray suit pairs well with a darker, bolder pocket square, while a black suit looks great with a contrasting white pocket square. For a more casual look, pair a tweed or plaid suit with a wool pocket square in a complementary color.


A pocket square can be a small but impactful addition to any outfit, whether for a formal occasion or a casual day out. By choosing the right type of pocket square, folding it properly, and following a few basic guidelines for wearing and maintaining it, you can add a touch of sophistication and elegance to your style. With these tips in mind, go ahead and experiment with different pocket squares to find the one that best complements your personal style and makes you feel confident and stylish.

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